Choose Your Battle Wisely!

Choose your battle wisely is a popular phrase in parenting, but is equally important in living a content life. It suggests that life is filled with series of opportunities to choose from. Making a big deal out of something or simply letting it go, most especially when you realize it doesn’t really matter. If you choose your battle wisely, you will be far more effective in winning those that are truly important to you.

Certainly, there will be times, when you will want or need to argue, scream so loud, or even fight for something you believe in. Many people however, argue, confront, fight over practically anything, turning their lives into a series of battle over relatively ” Small Stuff.” There is so much frustration in living these types of life, and it becomes a habit for you to fight and argue over every small thing that you lose track of.

The tiniest disagreement or glitch in our plans can be made into a big deal if our goal (either conscious or unconscious) is to have everything work out our favorites. The truth in life is rarely exactly the way we want it to be and other people often don’t act as we would like them to. Moment to moment, there are always going to be people who disagree with us, people who do things differently, and things that don’t work out. If you fight against this principle of life, you will spend most of your life fighting battle.

A more peaceful way to live life is to decide consciously which battle is worth fighting and which ones are better left alone. If your primary goal isn’t to have everything work out perfectly, but instead to live a relatively stress-free life. You should find ways and means of what kind of battle to pull yourself away from and that can lead to the most tranquil feelings because you do not want to ” Sweat the Small Stuff energy out of you” it’s critical that you choose your battle wisely. If you do, there would come a day when you will rarely feel the need for the battle at all.

Is it really important that you are right and she is wrong? Or that you confront some one simple because it appears as though he or she has made a minor mistake? Does your preference of which restaurant or movie to go to matter enough to argue over ? Does a small scratch on your car really warrant a suit in small claim court? Does the fact that your neighbor won’t park his car on different part of the street have to be discussed at your family dinner table?

These and thousands of other small things are what many people spend their lives fighting about. Take a look at your own list. If you are used to being like that or do things in that manner, then you may want to reevaluate your priorities. These are battles that if we face every day but if not careful and choose our battle wisely, then we would lose our inner Strength and Peace. So, CHOOSE YOUR BATTLE WISELY in every decision you make every single day.

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